About Metropolitan Turkistani Association

Our Mission

The Mission of Metropolitan Turkistanian Association (MTA) is to foster a community for likeminded members with similar backgrounds by building support structures to expand cooperation and dealings within the community of our members. Establish a conduit to share cultural values, heritage and diverse backgrounds to the world at large and specifically at cultural centers of our members. Provide support services at time of need for our members, educate our youth by sharing cultural diversity, instill active engagement and positive attitude for the community.

Support MTA with your Donations and Membership payments

Board Members

Board of Directors are elected by a majority vote of members present at time of Election.

The president presides at all meetings of the board and executive committee.  The president appoints members to standing and ad hoc committees.  The president performs whatever duties the board of directors may from time to time assign.           

The vice-president will carry out the duties of the president when the president is absent or incapacitated; will have the same power and duties as the president when acting in that capacity; and shall perform whatever duties the board may from time to time assign.

The secretary develops and maintains all documents and forms as the board of directors may determine.

The treasurer will have custody of all corporate funds, property and securities subject to such regulations as may be imposed by the board of directors.  

Membership Information

We are a voluntarily established non-profit organization with 150+ Members within the Metropolitan DMV area. Any person with interest in sharing mutual knowledge and cultural values can become a full participating member. As a participating member, you gain access to support structures to expand cooperation and dealings within the community. Access to support services at time of need or at festive occasions. Committee of Elders and Scholars to educate our youth by sharing our cultural diversity, morality and civility.

Our Community base is very diverse with members from all disciplines and abilities willing to assist other fellow members. Bakers and Chefs provide full catering (authentic home-made favorites to specialty cakes) for any occasion, small and large. Restaurants and Banquet hall support and discounts around the DMV area. Medical/Dental members assist and provide support/guidance as needed, Legal Support and Attorney services by accredited members to assist where their services are required. Our members and the Association is available to assist at time of hardship, with counselors ready to handle any emergency that may arise.

Membership Benefits

High-level synopsis of benefits for Members

  • Special Occasion Support (Weddings, Birthdays, etc.)
    • Venues for small (Restaurants) and large (Banquet halls)
    • Designers, Caterers, Printers
  • Access to all hosted events
    • Throughout the year special community events
  • End of Life Support
    • Our members handle all details required from death to burial
  • Legal/Attorney Support
  • Hardship Support
  • Community Outreach/Education
  • Youth Corner